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What was happening in Australia in 1835?
Interesting information regarding the year our hotel was built 1835

Port Launceston
Captain and Crew Index
Port of Launceston
The following is a list of sailors, seamen, captains, whalers and sealers, on vessels in and out of the port of Launceston, (Tasmania), for the year 1835.It is not necessarily a complete list (some vessels stopped at George Town and thus are not necessarily mentioned in Launceston records). These seamen sailed to Australian ports (Sydney,Port Jackson,Port Phillip, Spencers Gulph ,Port Fairy,Portland Bay, Western Port, Hobart, etc) and also international ports (Java,England,Mauritius,China etc).
Click this link to see the list of sailors you may find someone who is related to you.
Who was on the throne back in 1835?

King William IV
1830-1837 William IV (King of Hanover 1830-7)
House of Hanover1837-1901 Victoria (Empress of India 1876-1901)
House of Hanover1901-1910 Edward VII
House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha1910-1936 George V
House of Windsor 1936 Edward VIII
House of Windsor 1936-1952 George VI
House of Windsor 1952- Elizabeth II (Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Head of the Commonwealth of Nations) House of Windsor

Our Queen Elizabeth II, since 2nd June 1953 - present